Please call (707) 762-0211 or go to our appointment page to schedule your initial complimentary exam.

Our goal at Petaluma Orthodontics is to help you make informed decisions about your family’s orthodontic care. During your complimentary exam, you will learn about the treatment options that will best fulfill your needs. We want you to feel comfortable with your decisions. Therefore, we will encourage you to begin treatment at your own pace, but, ideally within the time frame that is recommended for the most efficient treatment of your case.

Please assist us by providing the following information at the time of your first visit:

• Completed health history form – download and print out for your convenience: Health History Form.pdf
• A list of current medications
• If you have dental insurance and/or orthodontic insurance please bring your insurance card. This will save time and allow us to help you process any claims.


Why should you consider Orthodontic Care?